Plokta is a highly dubious multiply Hugo-award-nominated fanzine edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies and Dr. Plokta, aka Mike Scott. The Plokta cabal includes Steven Cain, Giulia De Cesare, Sue Mason, Marianne Cain and George. Plokta has its own domain,, whose homepage contains links to other Plokta projects.
We would love to receive your emails of comment . To join a mailing list and be notified of exciting new developments in the ever expanding Plokta empire, or at least of updates to this site, send an email to the list administrator.
There have been 32 issues on paper to date (plus a couple of intermediate special issues), 25 of which (and the specials) have been converted to HTML. We've now switched to PDF and there are 2 issues available in this format. More will follow, though Plokta will always come out in paper form first. The Web version has extra features. New jokes! Valuable historical notes! Colour photos! Colour hecto! Hot links to sites mentioned in the text! Really, you should be reading Plokta on paper and on the Web.
The paper version of the fanzine was reformatted from issue 13, and the Web version followed suit with a new format of its own. Issues 1 to 12½ have been left in their original format.
Issue 1 [Updated 27 September 1997] |
Issue 2 [Updated 27 September 1997] |
Issue 3 [Updated 27 September 1997] |
Issue 4 [Updated 27 September 1997] |
Issue 5 [Updated 22 March 1998] |
Issue 6 [Updated 22 March 1998] |
Issue 6½, the Attitude conreport special [Updated 22 March 1998] |
Issue 7 [Updated 22 March 1998] |
Issue 8 [Updated 27 September 1997] |
Issue 9 [Updated 16 August 1998] |
Issue 10 [Updated 16 August 1998] |
Issue 11 [Updated 10 April 1999] |
Issue 12 [Updated 24 April 1999] |
Issue 12½ [Updated 24 April 1999] |
Issue 13 [Updated 27 June 1999] |
Issue 14 [Updated 28 July 1999] |
Issue 15 [Updated 31 March 2000] |
Issue 16 [Updated 31 March 2000] |
Issue 17 [Updated 8 May 2000] |
Issue 18 [Updated 18 March 2001] |
Issue 19 [Updated 5 May 2001] |
Issue 20 [Updated 10 January 2002] |
Issue 21 [Updated 10 January 2002] |
Issue 22 [Updated 6 February 2002] |
Issue 23 [Updated 1 March 2002] |
Issue 24 [Updated April 2002] |
Issue 25 [Updated December 2002] |
Issue 26 (PDF - 1.5Mb) [Updated November 2004] |
Issue 27 (PDF - 1.6Mb) [Updated November 2004] |
Issue 28 [Placeholder - full issue not yet available] |
Issue 29 [Placeholder - full issue not yet available] |
Issue 30 [Placeholder - full issue not yet available] |
Issue 31 [Placeholder - full issue not yet available] |
Issue 32 [Placeholder - full issue not yet available] |
Watch also for other Plokta Enterprises projects appearing here, such as Trinketry, Wrath of Ghu, The Way of the Wombat, the Intervention non-newsletter and other fannish publications from our mighty superfluous technology. Mike Scott's fanzine Zorn is already available. So are the Corflu UK newsletter and a Reconvene one-shot.
Plokta online contains a number of external links, for whose contents or continued existence we cannot be responsible. Please let us know of any which seem to be broken.
Plokta online uses the Georgia and Trebuchet MS typefaces, which are available from the Microsoft Free Fonts page. If you can't or won't use these fonts, it should also look just fine with your default fonts, unless you've set them to WingDings or something equally pointless.
The Plokta webpages are mostly formatted to be readable using any browser at 640x480 resolution or better. Please contact us if you have problems. We have checked with the following browsers: Opera, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Konqueror, Galeon and Nautilus.